MIRR Calculator

MIRR Calculator


MIRR Calculator: A Guide to Calculate and Interpreting MIRR

When it comes to evaluating the profitability and feasibility of potential investments or projects, financial analysts and investors rely on a range of metrics. One such metric that plays a crucial role in decision-making is the Modified Internal Rate of Return, commonly known as MIRR. In this guide, we’ll delve into the world of MIRR and explore how you can use a MIRR calculator to make informed financial decisions.

What is MIRR?

MIRR, or Modified Internal Rate of Return, serves as a financial metric for evaluating the attractiveness of an investment or project. It takes into account the time value of money and provides a more accurate picture of the project’s profitability than some other metrics, such as the traditional Internal Rate of Return (IRR).

Assuming that positive cash flows are reinvested at a different rate than the cost of obtaining capital, MIRR addresses a significant shortcoming of IRR. This makes MIRR a more realistic measure of investment opportunities, especially when reinvestment and financing rates differ.

How to Calculate MIRR

Calculating MIRR involves several steps and requires specific inputs:

1. Initial Investment (CF0)

This is the initial cash outflow, representing the cost of the investment or project.

2. Cash Flows (CFt)

These are the cash flows generated by the project or investment over a series of time periods (t = 1, 2, 3, …).

3. Financing Rate (FR)

The financing rate is the rate at which the project is funded or the cost of capital.

4. Reinvestment Rate (RR)

The reinvestment rate is the rate at which positive cash flows are reinvested.

Once you have gathered these inputs, follow these steps to calculate MIRR:

Step 1: Calculate the future value of positive cash flows (FV).

For each positive cash flow in the series, calculate its future value at the reinvestment rate (RR) and sum them up:

FV = ∑ (CFt / (1 + RR)^t) for all t with positive CFt

Step 2: Calculate the present value of negative cash flows (PV).

For each negative cash flow in the series, calculate its present value at the financing rate (FR) and sum them up:

PV = -CF0 + ∑ (CFt / (1 + FR)^t) for all t with negative CFt

Step 3: Calculate MIRR.

Use the formula:

MIRR = ((FV / PV)^(1/n)) - 1


  • FV is the future value of positive cash flows.
  • PV is the present value of negative cash flows.
  • n is the number of periods (years).

MIRR Formula

The MIRR formula is more complex than the IRR formula and takes into account both the financing rate (FR) and reinvestment rate (RR). Here’s the complete MIRR formula:

MIRR = ((PV of positive cash flows at RR) / (FV of negative cash flows at FR))^(1/n) - 1

In this formula:

  • PV of positive cash flows at RR represents the present value of positive cash flows at the reinvestment rate.
  • FV of negative cash flows at FR represents the future value of negative cash flows at the financing rate.
  • n is the number of periods (years).


The Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR) is a valuable financial metric for evaluating investments and projects, especially when the reinvestment and financing rates differ. By using a MIRR calculator and understanding the formula, you can make more informed decisions about your financial endeavors. MIRR provides a more realistic perspective on investment opportunities, helping you navigate the complex world of finance with confidence.

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